Newsletters (Infoblatt)

Once or twice a term, we send out a newsletter (known as the Infoblatt) which summarises all important news, achievements or events of the term. The newsletter will be sent out via email. Please ensure that the school always has your current email address.


The yearbook is very popular, therefore we offer an online and print edition. While the loved ones overseas can read online about all the happenings at school, our learners love the printed copy the most. Therefore, it is our aim to continue providing a printed copy of this colourful and detailed annual review to every DSK family, free of charge. 

The yearbook is an important annual publication planned and managed by the marketing team.

If you would like to contribute an article and/or photos to the yearbook, please email your content to 


If you would like to book an advert in the school’s yearbook and/ or school calendars, please email